
Slowloris Attack Detected on Apache server.

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The Slowloris Attack is a type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack that exploits a vulnerability in the Apache web server. It works by sending HTTP requests to the server and keeping those connections open for as long as possible, thereby using up all the available resources of the server and rendering it unresponsive to legitimate requests. As a result, the server becomes slow or unresponsive, causing downtime for the affected website or service. This type of attack can be detected and mitigated by implementing specific security measures and tools.



Check if Apache is running

Check Apache logs for any suspicious activity

Check active connections to the server

Check the number of connections per IP address

Check Apache server status for any suspicious activity

Check Apache server configuration for any vulnerabilities

Check for any active Slowloris attacks

Block IPs with suspicious activity


Configure the Apache server to limit the number of connections from a single IP address.

Install a rate-limiting module on the server to prevent excessive requests from any single IP address.

Learn more

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