
High number of blocked jobs in Jenkins queue.

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This incident type indicates that there is a high number of blocked jobs in the Jenkins queue. This can cause delays in job execution and can be indicative of a larger issue within the system. It is important to investigate the root cause of the blocked jobs and take appropriate action to prevent this from happening in the future.



Get the list of pods running in the Jenkins namespace

Check the logs of the Jenkins pod

Check the resource usage of the Jenkins pod

Check the status of the Jenkins service

Check the status of the Jenkins deployment

Check the Jenkins queue status

Check the Jenkins build executor status

Check the Jenkins system logs

The Jenkins server may be overloaded with too many queued jobs, causing some of them to be blocked and unable to execute.

There could be an issue with the configuration of the Jenkins server or job settings that is causing certain jobs to block others in the queue.


Increase the number of Jenkins executors to alleviate the job backlog and prevent jobs from being blocked in the queue.

Identify and resolve any issues with the Jenkins infrastructure, such as network or disk space problems, that may be causing the queue to become blocked.