
Kafka node underutilization check incident.

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This type of incident occurs when a node in the Kafka cluster is not being fully utilized. Kafka is a distributed streaming platform, and each node in the cluster is responsible for processing and storing a portion of the data. If a node is underutilized, it means that it is not processing as much data as it should be, which can lead to performance issues and potential data loss. Therefore, it is important to identify and address underutilized nodes in a Kafka cluster to ensure optimal performance and data reliability.



Check the status of Kafka node

Check Kafka node logs for any errors

Check disk usage of Kafka node

Check CPU usage of Kafka node

Check memory usage of Kafka node

Check network connectivity between Kafka nodes

Check the replication factor of Kafka topic

Check the number of partitions of Kafka topic

Check the size of Kafka topic


Rebalance the partitions across the Kafka nodes to ensure even distribution of the workload.

Learn more

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