
AWS EBS Burst Credits Exhausted

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AWS EBS (Elastic Block Store) Burst Credits Exhausted is an incident that occurs when an Amazon EBS volume has exhausted its burst credit balance. This happens when the volume has been used continuously at its maximum IOPS (input/output operations per second) rate for an extended period of time, causing the volume to consume its burst credits faster than it can earn them. As a result, the volume's performance is significantly degraded until the burst credits are replenished.



List all EBS volumes in the current region

Get details about a specific EBS volume using its <volume-id>

Check the burst credit balance for an EBS volume

Check the IOPS usage for an EBS volume

Check the burst credit balance usage for an EC2 instance

The application or system that is using the EBS volume is experiencing a sudden spike in traffic or usage, causing it to perform more I/O operations than usual.


Increase the volume size or switch to a provisioned IOPS volume to prevent burst credit exhaustion.

Learn more

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